Custom Stone Cuts Booking
Custom cut stones with your choice of shape, size and material.
Service Description
This is for booking your time slot for custom stone cutting. Please use our "Custom Cut Request Form" to work out the details of your request. Each available time slot is good for up to 10 stones. If you don't need that many it's okay! If you need more than 10 stones cut please request multiple time slots. This helps us balance our requests out without getting overloaded! For multi-stone sets please count each stone in the set individually (ex. a paw print counts as 5 stones). The cost to reserve your spot is non-refundable but will be applied to the final balance of your custom cuts. Your custom cuts will ship within 2 weeks of the finalization of your order.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
The $10 booking deposit is non-refundable. If you need to reschedule please give us as much notice as possible so we have time to fill the empty space!
Contact Details
Nevada, USA